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mahaloJazz + SC6: Berliner Sings Berlin

It's Serenade Cozy 6, and vocalist Michael Berliner joins mahaloJazz (Alison Weiner, piano/vocals • Robbie Link, bass • Beverly Botsford, percussion) for an intimate celebration of the songs of Irving Berlin! Huge fun!

studio events are generally
email and word-of-mouth invitation-only.
Visit the Say Hey page for more info, RSVP, driving and parking directions.

$20-$25 suggested offering of financial enthusiasm
gratefully received at each gathering

space is limited so PLEASE consider your RSVP a commitment
as it will guarantee you a seat
if life gets in the way and you are not able to attend,
please email ASAP!

Earlier Event: December 12
mahaloJazz + The Eddy
Later Event: December 17
HoHoHo at the BoilerShed